onsdag 18 december 2013

Oscar Hagstone

Springsteen’s enormous speech shocked millions of people.

Yesterday at the annually held polarstudio-prize ceremony Bruce Springsteen were given an award for ”the best live act 2013”. But the speech was not about his prize at all, he just talked about the enormous giant damages after the big storm in Oklahoma, and the fact that if we continue to be as independent as we are, there’s no hope in sight for humanity.

Bruce Springsteen at the Sandy Relief concert about a year ago.

”The storm is the biggest in the US history, and it has taken many lives.  Both the military and militants have started the rebuilding of Oklahoma, but more volunteers are needed”. Springsteen says with sadness in his voice.
The recovery process is long, but it’s only getting longer if we don’t start soon.

Springsteen also talked about the new drug problems in New Jersey. The youths are trying out new drugs. The drugs can easily be found online and they are not so expensive. At a party the other week at a rave party a man who took the drug fainted and he did get a really bad concussion. Springsteen also says that the police have to be stricter about it and talk about it to prevent the youths taking the drug, or the drug problem will take a very dangeruos ending.
”We really need to face the problems now!” Bruce complains.

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